Female elephants are losing their teeth due to fierce ivory hunting

New York: Research in Mozambique revealed enough news to disturb animal welfare experts. Under the pressure of predators on their beautiful teeth, the females of African elephants now have no teeth. There is ample evidence for this, including observations of genetic mutations and evolution.

To explain the reasons, experts said that due to the 15-year civil war, ivory was hunted mercilessly by both sides. Sensitive animals like elephants felt this pressure, and soon they had such changes that the female elephant’s teeth began to disappear. In 1977, a serious civil war broke out in the area, which lasted until 1992. During the war, factions on both sides began to kill dumb animals for ivory-like treasures. The elephants of Gorongosa National Park are the target.

Evidence of this first appeared in photos and videos seen by Shane Campbell Staten and colleagues of Princeton University. They reported that between 19% and 15% of female elephants are now born without teeth. Statistical analysis shows that this change is impossible without the pressure of genetic selection. However, there are also signs that the birth rate of toothless elephants has declined since the end of the war, while the birth rate was higher during the war. The study also found that between 1972 and 2000, the number of toothless females tripled.

The hunting of African ivory continues elsewhere to obtain precious ivory. For example, in Sri Lanka, only 5% of men have teeth. Surprisingly, due to genetic factors, all African male elephants still retain their teeth despite the severe hunting. Experts are still conducting genetic research on the cause of the disappearance of female teeth. But preliminary research suggests that this may be caused by a gene called AMALX found in the X chromosome. This gene plays an important role in the formation of teeth.

Experts believe that mutations in this gene will also affect other important genes. Women have two X chromosomes, and if one of them is not changed, the genes in them will continue to function normally. But a man or a woman has only one copy. If it goes bad, it will cause many diseases and even fatal diseases. Professor Shane said that the same changes will happen to human beings themselves. Some women may have missing upper teeth, which is equivalent to ivory.

Ivory is not just for showing off, they are very useful for ivory. First, they cut down trees, collect sugar cane, dig holes underground to collect water, and defend against enemies. Although the dumbs are smuggled, the rest of their lives are difficult and even dangerous. There are other animals that benefit from the tusk of ivory. If elephants dig pits to get water, all animals use this water. This is why ivory is its most precious asset.

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