11 Things Cats hate the most | Research

The Things your cats hate the most. So don't do them with your cats

If you're a cat lover like me then you definitely know that cats are very sensitive creatures but not exactly in the way you may think. Sometimes their behavior is just misunderstood. In this article, we'll discuss the top 12 things cats hate and should avoid.


Number 1: High-pitched sounds, Cats hear low-pitched noises about just as well as we do, they can pick up high-pitched sounds much better than humans, their range goes even beyond that of dogs high-pitched noises, You would not anticipate emergency vehicle alarms, uproarious music, hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, or even your telephone's ringtone is a portion of the great pitched sounds that felines disdain this is another explanation that we ought to never yell at our kitties as this main sources pressure and uneasiness.


Number 2Low temperatures, Cats like temperatures of 20 degrees higher than human's optimal temperature. Truth be told, a feline's jacket isn't made to shield them from low temperatures in actuality, their jacket shields their sensitive skin from outrageous warmth.


Number 3Water, while you might think felines need a shower they don't. In contrast to canines, felines wash and think about the Great Sphinx of Giza. Numerous advanced homegrown feline varieties come from parched nations around The Middle East or Asia nobody truly knows except for the hypothesis is that the absence of water in their reproducing makes them bigoted of getting wet. Anyway here is one more recommendation a feline likes to have new water to drink at their own recreation, this implies that you need to put new water for your cat each day in a spotless dish on the off chance that they don't drink sufficient water your feline can get urinary parcel contamination.

Number 4: Surprises, you probably have watched videos of cats getting terrified of cucumbers however what happens is that your cat isn't apprehensive about the actual cucumber yet it is the way that the cucumber showed up close to them without them seeing it felines will in general be frightened of the obscure as it could address a risk or hunter and on account of a cucumber a snake albeit some might think that it is amusing shocks prompt uneasiness and dread in your feline it's ideal to search for alternate approaches to mess around with your pet.


Number 5: Stale food, you may think that dry or wet food lasts for several days but it doesn't cats will eat fresh food that is newly opened but they won't touch it after that cats need to eat daily but not in the same way that dogs do if your cat is picking up their food they are telling you that they don't like it because it may be stale or they don't like the flavor.


Number 6: Dirty litter box, cats are extremely clean animals and they devote a large portion of their day to self-grooming they hate a dirty litter box grimy toys or an unclean water bowl cleaning your cat's litter box every day will make for a happy cat that loves to use the bathroom in the right place.


Number 7: Certain smells, one of the smells that cats can’t tolerate is gasoline this is why if you take your cat to the vet make sure the tank is filled beforehand cats also can't tolerate the smell of onion or vinegar but there's more menthol wintergreen and mint are also scents that cats can't handle but before we give you a break there are more cents a cat will hide away from that's lavender, citrus, rosemary and cinnamon.


Number 8: Strangers, cats do not like strangers or surprise visits they like to feel they're in control of the territory around them, strangers bring a lot of new smells and signs that they have yet to explore cats usually hide what an unknown person or animal visits them, however if they have been socialized since they were little they usually don't mind strangers as many animal experts suggest that your cats need to approach your friends.


Number 9: Lack of routine, routines are very important because cats are very sensitive to change. Cats like to be in control of their environment and a small change can unbalance them entirely so if you need to make changes to your house or move to another place make sure you prepare your pet in advance.


Number 10: Riding in a car, cats do not like getting in a car because it breaks up their daily routine of being at home. Unlike dogs who love a good car ride cats are the opposite they get very stressed out when confronted with situations that are uncomfortable so if you have to take your cat to the vet get them a comfortable towel they have snuggled in and then put them in a carrier preferably, they've slept in overnight this will make them feel like they're still in their own space.


Number 11: Balloons, it's true cats see balloons as a threat they can't defeat to them a balloon of any kind looks like an intruder that may hurt you or them. Keep in mind if a cat finds a mouse or a large insect they have a chance of defeating it. With a balloon, they just get scared because they can't overcome it.

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