The space telescope took the first clear picture of the star.

The space telescope took the first clear picture of the star.

NASA has announced that the process of adjusting the alignment of the mirrors of the James Webb space telescope has been completed, which has been confirmed by taking a clear picture of a star.

According to media reports, this is a joint project of NASA, European Space Agency and Canadian Space Agency, which was completed in 22 years at a cost of 9 9 billion. The telescope turned into released into area on December 25, 2021. Reached the destination in February 2022, when the process of aligning its mirrors began, during which JWST also took initial test images of some of the stars. The alignment of all 18 ions of the GWSP has been completely corrected. This has been confirmed by the NASA team on March 11. NASA has also released a photo and video through a press release yesterday. ۔

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