According to Le Pen, if she is elected, she will remove wind turbines

Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said she would end subsidies for renewable energy if elected in 2012. She also promised to take down wind turbines in France.

In the April election, she will be the candidate of the Rassemblement National party, which also reached the second round in 2017, and could do so again, although many recent polls have shown that politics talk-show star Eric Zemmour may beat her if he decides to run.

Neither wind nor solar energy is renewable, and they are intermittent. If I am elected, I will halt all new wind park construction and I will dismantle them," she said recently on RTL radio.

Moreover, she said she would cut subsidies for wind and solar, which amounted to six or seven billion euros a year and placed a heavy burden on consumers' electricity bills.

As part of her campaign platform, Le Pen pledged to support nuclear development in France by authorizing the construction of several new reactors, funding a major overhaul of the nation's existing fleet, and constructing small modular reactors in line with the proposal of President Macron.

Macron's 2030 roadmap he presented this week did not mention any commitments to support renewable energy or electric vehicles. He proposed billions of euros to support the nuclear industry, green hydrogen - which can be generated from nuclear - but he did not mention nuclear.

Approximately 75% of France's electricity comes from nuclear plants, which means the country has among the lowest carbon emissions per capita of any developed country. However, it lags far behind the Germans and other European nations in wind and solar investments.

In France, there is an active anti-wind movement supported by both the right and the left, notably by Xavier Bertrand, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination.

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